
The MAROON Sling

The Blood Thickens...

Trick Library

Maroon Sling

Special Note: Please understand that these videos are slightly outdated! They will be updated in the coming months. Please double check the curriculum as written above (especially the tomahawk). Thank you for understanding!

Tricks Overview


Please read and understand the entire Drill Dojo Scoring System

Maroon Slings are graded on the following curve:


Minor Penalties: 1.00

Moderate Penalties: 2.00

Major Penalties: 4.00


Minimum Passing Score: 80+ points

Maximum Score: 100 points

​As a reminder, it is customary, but not required, to begin and end your assessment with a Present Arms.

Please Read the FAQs before submitting the form.

Grading Submission Form


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Qualified Maroon Sling Registry

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