
50x Certified Slings Unit Starter Pack

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While the Drill Dojo program is completely free, we offer certified slings to differentiate skill levels among your participants and add motivation for them to build their skills. Using certified slings with your team is a great way to build cohesion and encourage healthy skills development.

By identifying which driller is at what level, the coach will be able to create a safer environment wherein drillers attempting moves outside an appropriate skillset can be identified and stopped early. Additionally, the presence of certified slings allows lower-level participants to identify teachers and higher-level participants to identify students, building cohesion by clearly defining roles.

This starter pack includes the following items:

  • 20x Certified White Slings
  • 15x Certified Yellow Slings
  • 13x Certified Orange Slings
  • 2x Certified Red Slings

For a total of 50 slings at an average cost of $13.50 per sling.

It's never been more affordable to get involved in drill team training. This starter pack is perfect for teams looking to work on their own to build up their exhibition drill teams. As a reminder, drillers can use any color of certified sling they’ve earned at any time, meaning you'll be able to use the Certified White slings for performances as well.

For those looking for a more hands-on training solution, check out the In-Person Training Bundle that includes 50 certified slings PLUS two days of in-person training at an all-inclusive cost of $2499.95 (plus tax and sling shipping, continental USA, dates negotiable).